Cafe 魔法學園 Maidjikku

旺角豉油街21-21B號昌記大廈4樓A室, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Restaurant, Cafe, Maid & Butler


Chateau R & T

香港九龍旺角花園街16號好景商業中心3樓 3/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok,, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Italian Restaurant, Cafe

火鍋撚 Hot Pot Land

旺角染布房街6號1樓, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Fondue Restaurant, Shabu Shabu Restaurant, Chinese Restaurant

是咁的, 從此火鍋撚們唔洗再飛去台灣食好西了 招牌紅白鴛鴦湯,酸菜白肉湯, 港式媽媽老火湯, 正宗台式鴨血, 自家製蛑巢豆腐, A4和牛, 點心打邊爐, 自家製特色滑....通通係旺角搵得到 邊度? 染布房街6號, 安安燒樓上呀! 唔好話唔提你, 火鍋撚們記得預早Book 位 <<火鍋撚>> 地址: 旺角染布房街6號1樓 (旺角地鐵站E2出口) 電話 2336 1098 / 6682 7609 (Whatsapp) 營業時間: 18:00 - 03:00

蛋卷皇后 Eggroll Queen

旺角染布房街19號地下A鋪 Shop A, G/F, No.19 Yim Po Fong Street, Mongkok, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Shopping & Retail, Asian Restaurant, Specialty Grocery Store

舊傳統‧新格調 七十年代,陳氏夫婦胼手胝足在家裡烘焙蛋卷,1982年自設工房,以雙手逐步建立食品企業。他們堅持採用上等雞蛋、進口牛油、進口面粉等優質材料,不添加防腐劑,數十年來以傳統手藝創出蛋味香濃而鬆化的獨特滋味。 現在,夫婦退下火線,由第二代傳承及發揚這種純香港製造的美食,以高雅現代的格調品味地道傳統的風情,締造經典小吃的高級享受。 ______________________________________ 門市選購 旺角總店 地址: 旺角染布房街19號...

i Darts GenX

旺角彌敦道594-596號旺角新城9樓(即信和中心旁邊,意粉屋樓上), Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Pub, Wine Bar

K Square 4 Restaurant and Bar

G/F, Wing Cheong Building 404-412 Reclamation street, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Restaurant

Knockbox Coffee Company

旺角黑布街, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Restaurant, Coffee Shop

Enjoy a unique coffee experience at Knockbox. A company run by enthusiasts that offers espresso-based as well as specialty coffees with fresh, home-roasted beans. We sell beans, we sell equipments, and we share coffee-making skills! With the noble "Coffee Grand Slam" subscription you will enjoy 3 cups of coffee of your own choice! You can try making, or seeing us making, the same beans via different methods; or for the die-hard coffee geek, same beans, same method but different brewing parameters. This would enable an amateur to have a taste of the artistic side of coffee-making!

Madrid Cafe 馬德里餐廳

深水埗店 : 深水埗福榮街120-122號地下 - 07:00am - 11:00pm 荔枝角店 : 荔枝角青山道682號潮流工貿中心地下A舖 - 07:00am - 06:00pm, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Continental Restaurant, Cafe, American Restaurant

踏入馬德里的大門,歐陸式的裝潢帶出的簡單的歐洲瑰麗,寧靜,優雅,舒適。旺角分店更全新設有旅遊風格的咖啡廳, 客人可以與三五知己閱讀餐廳提供的旅遊書籍及旅遊產品, 這種悠閒的氣氛給客人一種假期的輕鬆感,這種在鬧市中難以得到精神放鬆,令馬德里餐廳在熱鬧的城市中,獨樹一幟。這種特別,令馬德里餐廳開業十年,屹立不倒,而分店增至三間的原因。 在食材方面,馬德里嚴選健康,有益,新鮮,優質食材,務求更適合年輕人注重健...

NeNe Chicken Hong Kong

旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊11樓30號舖, Mong Kok, Hong Kong     Diner, Korean Restaurant

旺角亞皆老街8號朗豪坊11樓30號舖 Tel: 3583 2933 葵芳新都會廣場185號舖 Tel: 3105 0056 元朗形點商場一期1樓1026號舖 Tel: 3583 1932

"Trova il tuo ristorante, in un clic"