Gibbston MicroGreens

We produce a variety of Microgreens for distribution to both restaurants and residential consumers in the Queenstown area. We grow live trays of Microgreens and incentivise the return of the empty trays so that we can re-use them for the next crop.

Gibbston MicroGreens

We produce a variety of Microgreens for distribution to both restaurants and residential consumers in the Queenstown area.

We sell live Microgreens and incentivise the return of the empty trays so that we can re-use them for the next crop.

We are a zero-waste company as we compost all of the used growing medium and by recycling the trays, we remove the element of package waste and create a financial and sustainable motive for our consumers to return them.

At the Remarkables Market we will sell live trays of Microgreens and Wheatgrass in recycled wheat straw containers. They are safe to dispose of in many ways as they are made from 100% natural materials and therefore compostable and safe to burn.

    Giardiniere, Negozio di forniture per ristoranti, Mercato degli agricoltori


      Queenstown, New Zealand

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