Swan Hill Italian Social Club

Vote 4.2 (moyenne de 5 opinions)

The club provides community, social & recreational activities for the general public including the Italian community. The hall is also available for hire

Swan Hill Italian Social Club

Swan Hill Italian Social Club has contributed significantly to Swan Hill's growing identity for many years. In the past the club provided a variety of social events and cultural activities that not only bought together the Italian community but also welcomed other cultures to participate. Events like dinner dances, Bingo nights, markets and of course, the Annual Festa Della Madonna. Occasions that demonstrated the proud Italian culture. As the years have gone by, the club has changed with many of the older generation leaving us and many of the younger forced to move to the city or unable to support the club. To preserve the club for generations to come, it is important to please lend your support. Italians have contributed proudly to the Swan Hill history and we would like to continue to be so.

    Public & Government Service



      Yana St, Swan Hill, Australia

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