健康概念 Concept H - Healthy, Honest, Home

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健康概念希望通過分享一些簡單又容易實行的健康資訊和一些綠色生活的概念,讓大家了解多點,訂立最適合自己的健康生活。 **Concept H 現為你提供不同種類的營養午餐選擇!**

「健康概念Concept H」是一個推廣綠色健康生活的概念品牌。大家不難發現身邊越來越多人注重身體健康,希望預防疾病的出現,而當中茹素、跑步、練習瑜珈、購買健康食品和營養補充劑的大有人在,網上亦不時會看到推廣健康的相關資訊(雖然有誤導成分的文章也不少)。當然大家都知道均衡的飲食加上適量的運動是健康的秘訣,但每個人的生活習慣和環境都不同,很多時候忙碌的生活又令人難以兼顧身體的需要。另外,面對受污染的居住環境和超級細菌病毒的出現,增強自身的免疫力成為我們維持健康的首要任務。「健康概念」誕生的目的就是希望透過分享一些簡單又容易實行的健康資訊,令大家可以從日常飲食習慣中改善身體的質素和免疫力。



「健康概念Concept H」中的H除了有健康(Healthy)的意思之外,還有誠實可靠(Honest)和家居(Home)的意思。品牌希望推廣綠色健康生活的文化,提供誠實可靠的健康資訊,令到家中的每個親人和朋友都能夠受惠。請大家將健康概念宣揚出去吧!

Concept H is a brand that promotes healthy and a green living lifestyle.

It is not hard to notice that more and more people care about health in our communities. It is especially evident with the health information that is flowing around on the Internet, and the fact that most of us do exercise and try to keep a balanced diet. In recent years, running, yoga, going vegetarian, and taking supplements has become widely popular with the intention of maintaining good health and preventing diseases. Yes, we all know these are the keys to keeping fit, but sometimes we could be too busy to follow the formula. At the same time, we are facing growing problems like pollution, super bacteria and viruses each day, so enhancing our immune system is extremely important. Concept H would like to bring in some simple and healthy diet suggestions that are easy to implement in our daily lives, thus improving quality of health as a whole.

A delicious meal is to nurture our bodies and souls, and broadly speaking, it also helps to provide the energy for our family and community. If you are looking for a tasty, convenient and whole foods diet, Concept H is your best choice. Aside from providing meals, Concept H also shares some green concepts, ranged from environmental benefits of vegetarian and vegan diets, to production and values of organic products. Then you may get a better idea of how to create your own healthy and green living lifestyle.

Healthy, Honest & Home is what “H” stands for. We would like to contribute our knowledge to the community because we believe living healthily and green is a form of culture. By promoting this culture, not only could it benefit each of us, but it could also benefit our loved ones. At Concept H, we need your support to build up this healthy and green living culture!

    Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurant, Specialty Grocery Store



      Rua de Henrique de Macedo 10A, Macau, Macau

  Parking interne, Parking dans la rue



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