World Pizza Judge

We Score Pizza! With over 100 years combined by our staff in eating Pizza Please Join us and enjoy helping to taste and Judge Pizza around the globe.

World Pizza Judge

After what seems an endless search for Pizza and great quality and originality (D.O.P & D.O.C) we are now attempting to help guide you to great Pizza places. Money is too often wasted on poor quality pizza and places that charge too much for it. Many 'hip' places are fooling people with cardboard style bases that have seen no love in making them, and adding stupid ingredients only to end up with a tastless or mono tasting pizza. I hold nothing back on my Judging and all will be Named and Scored according to their Pizza and their shop. Scores are given for oven type and fuel used, ingredients, flour, yeast amounts, cheesees, base, crust, tomato sauce, toppings or ingredients preparation and quality, presentation and taste. Pizza tasting will be Date stamped so we score on a particular pizza/s on a given day. At some point I may elect to go back and do another tasting if asked by someone or the restaurant invites me. Your duty is to help me score good pizza. I need you and you need me. We work on uncovering awsome Pizza from everywhere we visit. Pizza, of all things, brings us all together.

    Food & Beverage Company

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