The Lazy Dog

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'And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the over-prudent dog burying bones in the trackless desert sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?' - Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

The Lazy Dog

The universe is bound by Karma, the law of cause & effect, the Law of Seed & Tree. Several years ago two drifters met in a Yoga Ashram in the hills of Lonavala near Mumbai & an enduring friendship ensued. Years lat er while traveling through the Himalayas they were so
smitten by the great mountains that they decided to make camp here. They built the Lazy Dog brickby brick. Way we look at it, desire was the seed, the Lazy Dog is the tree, what we serve here
is the fruit.
At the Lazy Dog we prefer keeping things clean & simple.
We concentrate on important things like selecting the best, freshest produce daily & preparing everything with a serious amount of care. We hope to make you feel at ease & enter the Lazy Dog state of mind.

    Restaurant, Pub, Arts & Entertainment

    Desayuno, Café, Cena, Bebidas, Almuerzo

          Adecuado para grupos
          Adecuado para niños
          Mesas al aire libre
          Servicio de mesa
          La reserva NO es obligatoria

   +911902 254277


      Manu Temple Road | Village Old, Manali, India

  Estacionamiento interno, Estacionamiento en la calle


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