The Chatterbox Drive-In

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The Chatterbox Drive-In is a family owned fifties and sixties style "drive-in" restaurant that will bring you back to the "good ol' days," even if you weren't a part of them! We are open all year!

The Chatterbox Drive-In

During the summer months (May-September)...

EVERY THURSDAY is "Bike Night", sponsored by Tramontin Harley-Davidson, where hundreds and hundreds of motorcycles meet up at the Chatterbox to eat and hang out. A DJ plays music throughout the premises and the theme of the restaurant changes a little...the DJ plays a lot of Southern Rock, classic hits like "Born to be Wild," country music, and recent hits.

EVERY SECOND FRIDAY is "Corvette Night" where Vettes from all areas and all years come together to eat great food and to celebrate their heritage and lineage together as DJ Doc South spins the records.

EVERY SATURDAY is "Cruise Night" where classic cars and hot rods fill the parking lot and everyone shows off their vehicles. DJ Doc South spins old records all night long and everyone has a great time.

On "Bike Nights" and "Cruise Nights," a favorite bike or car is picked out each week and a trophy is awarded! Also, don't be afraid that it will be too busy inside the restaurant because the Chatterbox has it's own pager system that alerts you when your table is ready, so if there's a wait, you won't even notice because you'll be outside enjoying the bikes or cars! If you're just having too much fun outside, enjoy a hotdog, burger, or an ice cream from our outdoor service area.

    American Restaurant, Diner, Fast Food Restaurant

    Cena, Bebidas, Almuerzo

          Adecuado para grupos
          Adecuado para niños
          Servicio de mesa
          La reserva NO es obligatoria

   (973) 300-2300

      1 State Route 15, Augusta, United States

  Estacionamiento interno



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