Superfood Chocolate, Cacao Elixir, Tonic Blends, Micronized Medicinal Mushrooms and more! Experience the Ancient Future of Food!
Medicinal-Foods offers the rapidly growing Organic Raw Foods market a variety of signature superfood creations and cutting edge health products.
Enjoy our Superfood Chocolate, Cacao Elixer and Micro-Medicinal Mushrooms. Savor our Recipes and other Lifestyle-Enhancing Health and Wellness Products.
We provide recipes and blends that are fun, easy to use and effective in assisting one in transitioning to a more Organic Whole Foods diet. Our signature blends combine superfoods, tonic herbs, aphrodisiacs, mood-enhancers and complete sources of protein into tasty Raw Chocolate Bars and Mixes. These blends are tasty and easy to use in today's fast-paced environment. Enjoy!
Alternative & Holistic Health Service, Shopping & Retail, Food & Beverage Company
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