Jars of Goodness

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Preserves, pickles and chutneys are the added zest in life – the relish to the meal, the fruity kick to your morning toast and the sweet hit that makes your afternoon tea such a treat! Jars of Goodness brings you just that – that added zest in life!

Jars of Goodness

Jars of Goodness all came about from simply having too much fresh produce and something had to be done!! Recycled jars were found and scrubbed, some recipes were investigated and tweaked, everything was cooked up with lots of love and; finally, gifts were given of the final product... and lo and behold requests were made and I soon realised that I was onto something. Everyone LOVES a hand-made jar of something. Whether it be a nice in-season chunky chutney or a delicious apple pie jam (with all fruit hand picked from local farms) and that is essentially how I started.

    Food & Beverage Company



      Kambi Road, Nyali, Kenya

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