Haddo's Hot Dogs

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The original Haddo's Double Smoked Hot Dog

Haddo's Hot Dogs

Haddo’s was inspired by a hot dog that Glenn bought from a roadhouse in the desert badlands of Arizona in 1980; it was the best goddam thing he’d ever tasted. Over the next three decades, Glenn would try to recreate this hot dog, relying on fading memories and guesswork. Finally, with Carly’s assistance, they nailed it. The nostalgic dream version of Glenn’s ultimate fantasy hot dog is now a reality.

Each weekend, Haddo’s Hot Dogs satisfies the appetites of discerning punters at festivals, markets, community events and private catering gigs.

Glenn and Carly collaborate with local suppliers of quality ingredients to create their wonderful wieners.

Treat your face with a Haddo's creation this weekend! Try the Original or be tempted by the latest taste sensation from the Haddo's test-kitchen.

    Food Truck, Food Stand, Hot Dog Joint




      CBD, Deloraine, Australia

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