
Grain-Free & Gluten-Free Cakes made from scratch. "If it's not made with love it's not worth buying".


Grace N Love Cakes makes GRAIN-FREE & GLUTEN-FREE cakes with real taste, freshly baked, made from scratch, using ingredients you can pronounce, like free-range eggs, butter and cream from grass-fed cows, organic fruits and nut flours, fair-trade organic coconut sugar and coconut cream. Look for us on our web site and also wherever you see the Dayton Urban BBQ food truck. Cake shouldn't be reserved for special occasions, it should be savored every day. And remember..."If it's not made with love, it's not worth buying."

    Gluten-Free Restaurant, Bakery, Cupcake Shop

   (719) 440-2828


      Dayton, United States

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