The Vintage began as a childhood dream, and it has evolved just as we have. Along the way there have been laughter and tears, learning opportunities and missed chances but what a wonderful adventure it has been.
When we opened The Vintage we had a vision. We wanted a place that would be part of Eugene for years to come. A cozy place for your last first date, a friendly place that's perfect for brunch with the girls...or the in-laws. We wanted a restaurant where we could serve great, inventive dishes made with high-quality, local ingredients, a place we'd be proud to be a part of.
To everyone who has been a part of our journey thus far and to those who will be part of our future.
Thank You!
Megan & Shannon
Breakfast & Brunch Restaurant, Crêperie, European Restaurant
Breakfast, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Outdoor tables Takeaway Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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