The Bath Arms Hotel
A very warm welcome
Excellent food and service
Fine wines, Ales, ciders
The Bath Arms is located in the heart of Cheddar and just a short walk away from Cheddar Gorge and caves. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, and offer exceptional accommodation in the form of 6 beautiful ensuite bedrooms.
Recently awarded 2AA rosettes for our restaurant and 4 gold star inn for our hotel in 2017, we work hard to provided our customs with the highest level of customer service and a quality experience for all guests across all aspects of the hotel.
Head chef Sean Lee and his team work hard to produce a quality favourites menu with hearty pub classics and à la carte specails menu. Both menus use seasonal produce wherever possible and the highest quality ingredients, with full traceability.
We also offer a table service restaurant and a more causal bar dinning experience with both menus running throughout the restaurant and bar.
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