Suavva Cacao Fruit Beverages

Rating 4.9 (average of 22 opinions)

At Suavva, we've taken the sweet and tangy pulp of the Cacao Fruit, & made it into a delicious line of refreshing all-natural and great tasting smoothies.

Suavva Cacao Fruit Beverages

In June 2010, after decades of hands-on experience growing cocoa on professionally managed plantations, Joseph Montgomery, descendant of a family that was one of the world's largest growers of cocoa in the 19th and 20th centuries, incorporated Agro Innova Co. (owner of the Suavva brand). He and his team have now created a new food recovery process that efficiently extracts juice puree from the cacao fruit, taking full advantage of its nutritional anti-aging values and makes it available to consumers in great-tasting Suavva Cacao Fruit Smoothies.

Why? Because it’s the right thing to do! Farmers benefit because they now grow cacao in a sustainable agricultural manner and provide Agro Innova the entire cacao pod for manufacturing in a certified clean manufacturing environment. From there, cacao fruit juice is extracted safely and deliciously used to make great tasting Suavva Cacao Fruit Smoothies that are off-the-chart loaded with antioxidant and ant-inflammatory values that are known to help in your anti-aging processes (receiving a 5.0 out of 5 rating from the world renown certifier of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, Brunswick Labs).

So not only do the farmers benefit but YOU benefit with a GREAT tasting product that helps to fit your lifestyle. Oh and guess what? Its’s really, really good for you! Suavva Cacao Fruit Smoothies are found in many retail stores throughout the U.S. and if they are not yet available in your store, go up to the customer service desk and ask them to bring them in. Everyone will be glad you did!

    Food & Beverage Company

   (954) 384-3090

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      Weston, United States

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