Stara Teza

Rating 4.9 (average of 32 opinions)

Exquisite mediterranean restaurant in the heart of the Adriatic sea / Vrhunski mediteranski restoran u srcu Jadranskog mora.

Stara Teza


Teza (pojata, hovel, hut)

Teza in Dalmatia represents a more common term for pojata, that is, a small hut or hovel, and it refers to an auxiliary outbuilding, often only a canopy, constructed of roughly crushed stones without binding material – usuvo, with the roof covered with stone (ploke).

Until as late as fifty years ago, there were not many houses in Dalmatia or Herzegovina which did not have the hovel, that is, teza, attached to it.

Tezas were often attached to a larger main house and they were mostly used for storing various household items as well as for storing the tools such as pick, rake, mace, pickaxe, hammerhead, sickle and other tools used for working on the hard, rocky Dalmatian soil after returning from the field.

The dream will become the reality

Lying before you is a story about two young men, two friends who stood at this exact spot more than 40 years ago and imagined how some day their dream will become the reality.

As a lone rock abandoned at the sea, touched by time and trapped by weed, the ruinous Stara Teza stood before them.

These two ambitious young boys, Matt and Marko, with the courageous certainty only young, naive and unspoiled people can possess, swore that Stara Teza will one day be restored and shine again with new splendour.

Years and decades have passed since, and today one dream that has become the reality stands before you: a unique Dalmatian restaurant/konoba, bearing a name no other than, of course,

Stara Teza

Never throw away your dreams. With enough faith and endless perseverance, rest assure that once in the future, just like us today, you too will be able to say:

The dream has become the reality

Sincerely yours,

Matt & Marko

Dedicated to our parents, families and
family lineage Linčir, inhabiting the Island of Vis since 1661.


Teza (pojata, potleušica)

Teza je u Dalmaciji uobičajeniji izraz za pojatu, a odnosi se na pomoćnu gospodarsku zgradu, često samo nadstrešnicu, građenu od grubo lomljenoga kamena bez vezivnog materijala – usuvo, s krovom prekrivenim kamenim pločama (plokama).

Do prije samo pedesetak godina, malo koja kuća u Dalmaciji ili Hercegovini nije imala pojatu, odnosno tezu.

Teze su često bile priljubljene uz veću stojnu kuću i uglavnom su služile za spremanje raznih kućnih potrepština te kao ostava u koju se nakon povratka iz polja spremalo oruđe kao što su motika, grablje, macola, mašklin, mašur, mlat, kosir i drugi alati kojima se obrađivala tvrda, kamenita dalmatinska zemlja.

San će postati stvarnost

Pred vama je priča o dva mlada čovjeka, dva prijatelja koji su prije više od 40 godina stajali upravo na ovom mjestu i maštali o tome kako će jednog dana njihov san postati stvarnost.

Poput hridi na pučini napuštena, vremenom nagrizena i korovom zarobljena, pred njima je stajala ruševna Stara Teza.

Ta dva nadobudna momka, Matt i Marko, s odvažnom sigurnošću kakvu mogu posjedovati jedino mladi, naivni i neiskvareni ljudi zaklinjali su se da će se Stara Teza jednog dana obnoviti i ponovno zasjati novim sjajem.

Protekle su godine i desetljeća, a pred vama je san koji je postao stvarnost: jedinstveni dalmatinski restoran/konoba naziva, a kako li drugo nego

Stara Teza

Stoga nikada ne odbacujte svoje snove. Uz dovoljno vjere i beskrajne upornosti budite sigurni da ćete, baš kao mi danas, i Vi jednom u budućnosti moći reći:

San je postao stvarnost


Matt i Marko

posvećeno našim roditeljima, obiteljima i
lozi Linčir, na Visu od 1661. godine


    Breakfast, Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch

          Suitable for groups
          Suitable for children
          Outdoor tables
          Table service
          Booking is NOT mandatory


      Facebook page

      Vladimira Nazora 86, Vis, Croatia



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