After searching for an Authentic South Indian Restaurant, my wife (Thana) and I (Kumar) realized that Canada was deprived of it. So we decided to open just that, an Authentic South Indian Restaurant with personal touch and care paid to our unbeatable taste and customer service. As I come from a family of Restaurant owners, and I being a business man since 1975 and blessed with an excellent cook, as my wife, we started our venture. Soon our two daughters, who were more than willing to help, joined our team. Our elders have been cooking and mastering the culinary art for many years in which many secret recipes have been created and passed on. With their blessings and knowledge we literally 'exposed' our kitchen and heart to our valued customers since 2003. From the very first day we have never compromised freshness, cleanliness or taste. We take on the challenge of living up to and soaring above the high standards that our customers have set for us. This was possible only after we started making the food ourselves rather than depending on outside commercial cooks...
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for their support and feedback given throughout our journey. Now, as requested, a dine-in restaurant to match our food, we proudly present to you. Gurulukshmi
Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurant, South Indian Restaurant
Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Catering service Suitable for groups Suitable for children Takeaway Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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