Francesca Scerbo Rifugio Fata la pagina

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Questa pagina nasce per avere e ricevere informazioni sul mondo del volontariato con gli animali....ogni contributo, purchè valido e non offensivo verso nessuno....è ben accetto. Grazie a quelli che vorranno far crescere questa pagina.

Francesca Scerbo Rifugio Fata la pagina

The Rifugio Fata cares for stray, unwanted and abandoned dogs. We have approx. 140 dogs and approx. 20 puppies at our shelter.
The Rifugio contains a large green courtyard for letting the dogs run free, a wooden shed for our puppies and a training area to exercise and help the dogs get ready for adoption and an area for visitors.
In Southern Italy many dogs get abandoned every year. Most of these dogs are not neutered and the population of stray dogs grows yearly. These poor animals have to live in very bad conditions meaning a life of suffering. The Staff of the Rifugio Fata not only cares for these dogs but also wants to raise the awareness and the education of the citizens towards animals and stray dogs.
We entirely rely on private donations and volunteering. At the Rifugio we have a non-destruction policy never putting a healthy dog to sleep.
Every year we find adoption places in Northern Italy at associated shelters.
Thank you for your interest in our work.

    Nonprofit Organization, Local Service, Food & Beverage


      loc. Cutura, Lamézia, Italy

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