Featured Restaurants in Ireland

Featured Restaurants in Ireland

Dublin McVitie's Ireland

McVitie's Ireland

Welcome to the wonderful world of McVitie's Ireland! Our celebration of the delicious feeling of McVitie's.

Cork Stonewell Cider

Stonewell Cider

Founded in Nohoval near Kinsale (Co. Cork, Republic of Ireland) in 2010, Stonewell is a craft cider company in the dedicated to the creation of real c... »

Limerick The Stables Club

The Stables Club

The Stables Club is the largest club on the University of Limerick campus. Click Like to discover more, or find us at www.stablesclub.com, and follow... »

Ballaghaderreen Durkin's Bar, Restaurant & Accommodation

Durkin's Bar, Restaurant & Accommodation

Durkin’s, located in the heart of Ballaghaderreen on the main N5 road between the West of Ireland and Dublin offers top class food and accommodation... »

Kells Tower Grill

Tower Grill

From Frosinone to Farrell Street, the Forte name originates back to the tiny village of Montattico in Italy. Rocco’s grandfather (also called Rocco)... »

Killaloe The Wooden Spoon Killaloe

The Wooden Spoon Killaloe

The Wooden Spoon Killaloe is a relaxed and friendly Cafe/bakery widely known for our great cakes and coffee. All of our food is prepared in our open k... »

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