Aphrodite studios & restaurant at Plomari

Αγιος Ισιδωρος, Plomári, Greece     Hotel, Greek Restaurant

Eirini Plomariou-Extra virgin olive oil

PALIAKLISSIA, Plomári, Greece     Food & Beverage Company

Nikos, Myrta and their children have been the soul of the family farm since 1996 and they are devoted to the organic cultivation of olive trees throughout the year producing EIRINI PLOMARIOU, an award winning organic olive oil. It is the olive oil they proudly use in their agrotourism unit in Plomari, and which has won fervent admirers throughout the world for its aroma and quality.

Η Μουριά του Στράτου"

Άγιος Ισίδωρος, Plomári, Greece     Family Style Restaurant

Joe Bar Taverna pizzaria

Λεωφόρος Μιχαλέλλη, Plomári, Greece     Mediterranean Restaurant, Local Business

Το γνωρίζεις και το προτιμάς εδώ και 4 χρόνια, αλλά το joe bar tave, ακριβώς δίπλα στην θάλασσα, έκανε φέτος μια μεγάλη και απολαυστική στροφή.

Sappho Plomari

Ag.Isidoros, Plomári, Greece     Hotel Resort, Greek Restaurant

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