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Finding a Perfect Match in life can be a tricky and messy affair, but when it comes to food, Tigg’s has it covered!


Finding a Perfect Match in life can be a tricky and messy affair, but when it comes to food, Tigg’s has it covered!

Based on recipes handed down by their ex Miss New Zealand Grandmother – Granny Tigg, and refined at food festivals up and down the country; Jacob & Sam aka The Executive Grandsons, present a range of all-purpose dressings, relishes, sauces, marinades or dips that could be either your Perfect Match or your foods!

These low-calorie alternatives are gluten, dairy and nut free and will bring a smile to anyone’s face with their unique “lonely-heart” style branding (each product’s individual attempt at persuading you to “date” them). If fun, easy on the eye and mind blowing in a bed (of greens) tick your boxes, then maybe… just maybe, you have found YOUR Perfect Match! ! #GetTiggWithIt

    Region, Food & Beverage Company, Grocery Store

   07855 347 313



      Hereford, United Kingdom

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