Samdech Euv High School

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If you are a part of Samdech Euv High School, please share information and photos with us, and let the world know about our high school.

Samdech Euv High School

Samdech Euv High School is the name of a high school in Siem Reap city. It was founded in 1996 by Preah Bat Norodom Sihanu Varaman. It was located along National Route 6 (Airport Road), Siem Reap, Cambodia. It’s one of the largest high school in the province.

Purposes of creating this facebook page:
- To share information and pictures of the school to Samdech Euv High School's students everywhere around the world.
- To organize students in one place by setting Samdech Euv High School as their high school in their facebook account.
- To introduce Samdech Euv High School to the world.
- Available for check-in.

We love and miss Samdech Euv High School.

    High School, Food & Beverage


      National Route 6, Airport Road, Siem Reap, Cambodia, Siem Reap, Cambodia

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