Rudolph's Holy Moly

Abstimmen 5.0 (Durchschnitt von 19 Meinungen)

***Rudolph's Holy Moly – Coming soon*** a.k.a Your f***ing crazy Christmas Bar We have put together a surprise destination like no other, which will restore anyone’s belief in Christmas.

Rudolph's Holy Moly

***Rudolph's Holy Moly – Coming soon***
a.k.a Your f***ing crazy Christmas Bar

We have put together a surprise destination like no other, which will restore anyone’s belief in Christmas.

23rd of November - 22nd of December 2017

Seefeldstrasse 40
8008 Zurich

Wednesday – Friday from 5pm
Saturday from 4pm

We look forward to celebrating with you!

Ho Ho Ho
Rudolph "The Nose" Rentier

    Event, Bar, Restaurant


      Seefeldstrasse 40, Zürich, Switzerland

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