Night 'n Day

Over 50 convenience stores nationwide. We've got it when you want it!

Night 'n Day

Night 'n Day is committed to a philosophy of quality service and presentation. Our standards can be summed up in one word - EXCELLENCE - and that excellence must be reflected in every aspect of our business.

We currently have 30 stores in the South Island and 21 stores in the North Island which are located at Gull Petrol Stations.Our aim is to meet the demands of our customers and be leaders in the convenience grocery store market, hence our slogan "We've got it when you want it".

The company name and slogan promote the availability of a vast range of products at all hours - CONVENIENCE. We are now synonymous with providing what the public wants through implementing an extensive advertising campaign, retaining a friendly, reliable and consistent image throughout all the various media.

Our profile is easily recognisable, from our uniforms incorporating the company colours and logo, to the shop signage, which is colourful, distinctive, appealing and suitable to adapt to any location.

Night ‘n Day Foodstores has set new standards in convenience retailing and has a lot to offer quality convenience grocery stores throughout New Zealand.

    Specialty Grocery Store, Shopping & Retail



      268 Stuart Street Dunedin, Dunedin, New Zealand

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