Mike and Jen's Hot Cocoa

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The Highest quality homemade hot chocolate mix, using only the finest of ingredients, this mix is a taste you are sure to love! A portion of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. Ingredients are largely organic and fair trade.

Mike and Jen's Hot Cocoa

I have always wanted to start a business with my two amazing children, Michael and Jenny. I thought it would be a fun way to teach them how to work together on a team, and to work together for a common goal. That goal would be to travel, which is something I feel so strongly about, and to raise funds for a charity we all agree upon - the American Cancer Society. The end result, after extensive research, was the quest for the ultimate hot chocolate mix. I knew if we did this, we would only use the finest ingredients from around the world. Nearly every ingredient is fair trade, and organic. While this costs a bit more, I knew it was the right thing to do, and to teach the kids. Grocery store hot cocoa mixes are filled with chemicals, refined sugar and even hydrogenated fats. You will never find that with anything that Mike and Jen create (with a little help from dad of course).

So why on EARTH did I want to start this company with the kids? There were several reasons.

1) I wanted to raise funds for the American Cancer Society
2) I wanted to travel with the kids, but as a single dad, it just wasn't happening.
3) I wanted to work on a project together, to teach them about business, and working together as a team for something you believe in!
4) Because I could only sell a product that was wholesome, fair trade, organic and as good as it could possibly be, free of chemicals and vast quantities of refined sugar.
5) Because how many kids can say "I own my own company!"
6) Because I knew just how much fun doing "research" would be! lol

I looked into stuff you can sell from home, and just didn't feel comfortable with ANY of it. I knew I could only sell a product I believe in with ALL my heart - that is well made and that people could enjoy. That started my quest to start "Mike and Jen's Mixes", and our first product "Mike and Jen's Winter Survival Hot Cocoa Mix". If people love it, they can buy it and it helps to support Cancer research and my quest to show my kids the world. If not, they sure don't have to - I would never try to convince or push anyone to try it. Hopefully - with that first cup, you're hooked! haha

We had a long talk, and decided that a portion of the proceeds would go to a charity, and the rest would go to our travel fund. Travel is so important to us, and by selling a product we believe in, we hope that it will be helpful in getting that to happen. The charity we chose, due to the kids grandpa going through Cancer treatment is the American Cancer Society.

So, with that said! Thanks for reading this super long story! I hope you enjoy what we are trying to do here, and spread the word!

"Disney" Dean

    Food & Beverage Company, Region, Grocery Store



      Hermantown, United States

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