Mad Flatters LLC

Abstimmen 5.0 (Durchschnitt von 61 Meinungen)

Our mobile eatery features a selection of American style dishes wrapped, rolled, or fried in a traditional/tribal Kenyan flatbread.

Mad Flatters LLC

In 2011 Kellen and Britney spent a summer teaching in a Not-for-Profit School in a small village near Nairobi. This village is located in the "high lands" where coffee and tea plantations make up a patchwork of deep green fields. The air is moist and warm and filled with the smell of wood fire smoke billowing out from the chimneys of small tin-roofed shambas.
The school was started as a refuge for orphaned children and to provide a brighter future to families living and working within the village.
The experiences that Kellen and Britney had during their time in Kenya helped them to grow as individuals as well as educators. Of the many experiences that they had in Kenya, one of their favorite was learning about the culture and its cuisine.
Kellen and Britney met a wonderful Kenyan woman named Kellan who taught them how to make many traditional Kenyan dishes. One of their favorite dishes was chipoti served with spiced tea.
Chipoti (chi-pot-ie) is a slightly sweet flatbread. The recipe that was taught to us is a recipe passed down through generations of traditional tribal Kenyan families.
Kellen and Britney decided that they would like to share this delicious treat with their friends and family.

    African Restaurant

    Frühstück, Kaffee, Mittagessen



      Casper, United States


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