Istanbul Eats

Abstimmen 4.9 (Durchschnitt von 271 Meinungen)

Istanbul Eats

Istanbul Eats

Doner Kebab originates from the delicious cuisines of Turkey. Inspired by the times of the ottomans where only the best was lived, culture was quality and only the finest was served - it is with this motive our team felt the need to share the amazing tastes of turkish food with the world - specialising in Turkish Kebabs.

Doner Kebab is a juicy and meaty Turkish street food served in a pita like bread with fresh ingredients like lettuce, tomato, onion as well as other salads and condiments to make it taste al dante!

And it doesn’t just end there. Together with our food we also set the atmosphere with low seat wooden tables and turfed pin wheel seats to enjoy the street atmosphere and an aroma of exquisite foods. We take our customers back to the origins of Doner kebab, give them the feel of our inspiration and tantalise their taste buds.

    Food Truck

    Abendessen, Getränke, Mittagessen

          Lieferung nach Hause
          Für Gruppen geeignet
          Für Kinder geeignet
          Buchung ist NICHT verpflichtend



      Brisbane, Australia

  Innenparkplätze, Parken auf der Straße


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