ホテルニューオータニ 幕張 Hotel New Otani Makuhari

Abstimmen 4.3 (Durchschnitt von 391 Meinungen)

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ホテルニューオータニ 幕張 Hotel New Otani Makuhari

<客室 Guest Rooms>
都会のリゾートで、ゆったりした寛ぎの時間を | Comfortable appointed guest rooms offer pleasurable moments of relaxation
・The décor of 418 rooms combines Japanese design elements with contemporary furnishings to create a chic, yet comfortable atmosphere.

<レストラン&バー Restaurants & Bars>
旬のおいしさと心のおもてなしで至福のひとときを | Seasonal cuisine and delicate service provide a delightful table
・Restaurants and bars offer a varied selection of cuisines and ambiances for personal dining or entertaining important guests.

<宴会場 Banquet Rooms>
シーンに合わせて選べる大小さまざまな13の宴会場 | A wide selection of 13 small and large banquet rooms
・Hotel New Otani Makuhari stands ready to serve in a range of sizes to suit every purpose from intimate parties to international conferences.

ホテルライフを充実させる多彩の施設 | A wide range of amenities and facilities ensure you a most pleasurable stay.
・゛Club&Clube゛is one of the most advanced, extensive all-water sports and spa facilities in Japan
・Among palm trees and gentle sea breeze, a hideaway resort is in the outdoor pool.(open during the summer season)
・゛Ichigo House゛- a pet hotel invites guests to bring their pets along and offers a full range of services including feeding, exercising and grooming.
・The NOC Lounge offers complete service and facilities, from secretarial service to readily available computer systems.

    Hotel Resort, Restaurant




      美浜区ひび野2-120-3, Chiba-shi, Japan


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