Hotel Belvedere Bellagio

Welcome to the Hotel Belvedere in Bellagio.

Hotel Belvedere Bellagio

Hotel Belvedere, a private haven passed on from mother to daughter to you.

A short step away from the bustle of Bellagio’s centre, the Hotel Belvedere presents you with a private garden paradise.
Revel in the heartfelt hospitality – honed by five generations of welcoming women – of this rare hillside retreat. Slip into reverie as your gaze takes flight, falling first on the picturesque bay of Pescallo, then coming to rest within the landscape of the lake and the Alps beyond.

    Resort, Ristorante

    Abendessen, Mittagessen

   +39 031 950 410

      Via Valassina, 31, Bellagio, Italy


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