FoPo Food Powder

Abstimmen 4.9 (Durchschnitt von 23 Meinungen)

FoPo Food Powder: Drying food and breaking it into powder, extending shelf life from 2 weeks to 2 years! For inquiries email:

FoPo Food Powder

FoPo gives new life to expiring fruits & veggies from groceries and farms by collecting, drying & powdering them, extending the shelf life from 2 weeks top 2 years, saving food waste & help end world hunger. Instead of producing more food to feed more people, we plan to utilize 40% of the food we wasted.
FoPo gets cheap fruits and vegetables that would be otherwise trashed from supermarkets and local markets. These will be processed into powder by our toll manufacturers and sold back to the grocery stores. The customers will use it for example in veggie soups, smoothies, yogurt toppings, and baking. We will also sell it to big companies where they use to produce their own food products such as fruit juice powders.

    Grocery Store, Food & Beverage Company



      Germany, Bremen, Germany

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