Boondocks in Forbes,MN

Converted to a bar and restaurant in the mid '90s, this establishment and its building have had a long history as a school and community center. Order a pizza, grab a drink and play some pool! At the Boondocks, everyone is a friend.

Boondocks in Forbes,MN

Converted to a bar and in the mid '90s, this establishment and its building have had a long history as a school and community center. Since 2004, Boondocks, the latest incarnation of the Forbes local hang out, has been at the heart of local resident's social lives. Simultaneously serving as a restuarant, a bar, an events venue and an unofficial community center, Boondocks continues a long tradition of bringing family and friends together.

    Pub, Pizzeria

    Kaffee, Abendessen, Getränke, Mittagessen

          Für Gruppen geeignet
          Für Kinder geeignet
          Buchung ist NICHT verpflichtend

   (218) 744-4959


      8707 Townline Rd, Forbes, United States



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